Sunday, 7 July 2013

God Is Busy, Can I Help You? ~ The Devil

More than 1 interpretation . . .
More than 1 interpretation . . . 
I bought this t-shirt at a First Nations pow-wow last summer. I loved it so much that I got one for my son and brother-in-law. What intrigues me is the ambiguity of shirt´s message:

1. At first glance, it looks blasphemous. God busy? How could we say this? I remember Jim Carrey´s character in the film Bruce Almighty. He got to step into God´s shoes for a few days, and found out that it was not an enviable position to occupy. Billions of prayers came to Jim Carrey in the form of millions of emails, then in voices in his head. But, as many people believe that God is all-powerful, answering a billion prayers at the same time is easy as pie.

2. This shirt is anti-Devil. He is wearing diapers, the ultimate insult for an evil spirit of Satan´s stature. He is unable to help as God helps. He is just a ridiculous, cartoonish-looking figure.

3. Again, anti-Devil. It shows that the Devil is a liar. He is always trying to impersonate God, to take over his position. God is never busy, never distant. However, Satan would like us to believe that God is far away, unable or unwilling to help. Thus, we can seek the Devil instead. But this is all BS.

4. I really believe in the Devil.  He is more powerful than God.  And God is literally too busy.  So I´m taking over.  Got that?

5. I am the Devil. God has appointed me, on his behalf, to help you. To say that I am the devil is simply a metaphor, a figure of speech. It shows my humility, my recognition of being a fallible, weak human being, prone to waywardness and wandering. However, even in my fallen state, I am willing to lend a helping hand, on behalf of the Almighty. Of course, I´m glad that I can still look buff, a Satanic version of The Rock or Vin Diesel ; )

There may or may not be a real devil. This shirt is just poking fun at religion, trying to get a rise out of people who take their faith so seriously that they can´t get a good joke.

So, religiosos out there, don´t put a contract out on my head. This post and its photo are all in good fun. Always challenge yourselves. Always use your brain. Look at things from different perspectives.

In conclusion, what can we say about the Devils. Here are a few options I can think of off the top of my head:

1. Fuck the Devil. He´s the source of all misery in the world.

2. Who cares about the Devil. Don´t waste your time mythologising about the source of evil in the world. The real dangers are human ignorance, and ultimately, human greed.

3. Bless the Devil. He keeps us on our toes, keeps us from being lazy, keeps us alert and always ready to fight. We needs our enemies just as much as we need our friends.

Use your imagination, folks, and don´t get your panties in a wad!


Bjarte Harvisen
harvisen AT

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